Alban Elfed Ritual

The Welcome
By the powers of Star and Stone
By the powers of the land within and without
By all that's free and fair
I welcome you to this Rite of Alban Elfed
We have travelled from the North, South, East and West to be here together tonight (form a circle and hold hands)
We start by taking three deep breaths
The first is for the earth beneath our feet
The second is for the sky above our heads
The third is for the seas and rivers that surround us
Peace to the Quarters
We turn to face the North, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the North.
We turn to face the South, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the South.
We turn to face the West, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the West.
We turn to face the East, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the East.
May there be peace throughout the whole world.
I then recited the Druids Prayer and chanted three Awens
Casting and Consecrating the Circle
I then explained that as Druids we see the whole of the earth as a sacred space, but as a focal point for the ceremony we cast the cicle around us to work within.
I then walked the perimeter of the cast circle smoke cleansing it saying "May this circle be purified and blessed with the element of Fire"
I then walked the perimeter of the cast circle with water cleansing it saying "May this circle be purified and blessed with the element of Water"
Once this has been done I then opened the Quarters.
Opening the Quarters
I walked around the circle sun wise to the East, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the East, to the element of Air, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the South, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the South, to the element of Fire, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the West, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the West, to the element of Water, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the North, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the North, to the element of Earth, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I then stood at the centre of the circle, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening the gateway and said " To the spirits of this place and the Guardians and Ancestors that walked this earth before us, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
The Rite
I then performed the Rite, how this time of the Autumn Equinox is a time of reflection and gratitude, it is the time of the second harvest where we gather in fruits and berries from the trees and store ready for the long winter nights that will soon be on us, I then continued speaking about working with the wheel of the year.
I then handed each person in the circle an incense stick, this was lit and I invited them to remember someone who had passed, or something that they wished to reflect on and show gratitude for, i told them to hold it in their thoughts to pass into the smoke of the incense, these were then placed in the ground for the smoke to be carried into the universe giving thanks.
I then did a guided meditation.
Closing the Ceremony
To close the ceremony I started off by reciting the Druids Vow
"I swear by peace and Love to stand, Heart to Heart and Hand in Hand
Mark oh Spirits and hear me now, confirming this my sacred vow."
This was followed by chanting three Awens
I then stood at the centre of the circle, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits of this place and the Guardians and Ancestors that walked this earth before us, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the North, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the North, to the element of Earth, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the West, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the West, to the element of Water, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the South, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the South, to the element of Fire, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the East, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the East, to the element of Air, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then announced that the Ceremony was now over and thanked everyone for coming along.