
Hello my fellow travellers of the old ways, it has been a while since my last blog, I have had quite a few things happen in my life these past few months so not been able to post my blogs as much as I was hoping to. My Path as a Druid is getting busier and busier with one thing and another, not that I mind but I also have to make sure I keep myself grounded and not forget why I started doing this blog in the first place.
I want to now move on to the next part of working with the Wheel of the Year, Lughnasadh.
This festival usually falls around the 31st of July to 1st August, a time when the Holly King is leading us into the dark part of the year, a time when the nights slowly begin to get longer and the sun sets earlier. Autumn is not yet upon us. In the modern age, we can enjoy the long summer days and take time to relax; however, our ancestors would not have been in the same joyful mood. July was a very hungry month; food stores were low due to the impending harvests. The days were long and exhausting and consisted of endless weeding in dry soil to try and ensure greater crop yields. The ancient peoples longed for the festival of Luighnasadh when the feasting could begin.
God Lugh
Several myths surround this festival, one being of the Harvest King Lugh, who lends his name to the festival. Lugh was worshipped across the British Isles, and in Inda-European Countries, he was also known as Lug, Lieu, and, in later ages, Lugh. In Ireland, Lugh was born of a union between his father, Cian of the Tuatha De Dann, and his mother, Ethniu of the Fomorians. Before Lugh was born, Lugh's grandfather, the evil King of Fomorians, Balon, was to be killed by his grandson. To protect himself, Balon locked his daughter Ethniu in a tower to prevent her from meeting with Cian. However, Cian managed to gain entrance to the tower, and Ethniu conceived triplets, one of whom being Lugh. Balon took his grandchildren to the sea and tried to drown them. Two of the babies drowned, but Lugh survived and was saved. Adopted by Mannanana Mac Lir, the God of the Sea, and his consort, the Goddess Talitiu.
Fomorian and Tuatha De Dann Battle
When Lugh became a young man, he travelled to Tara to train with the Tuatha De Dann and soon became one of them. The Fomorians oppressed the Tuatha De Dann through slavery and high taxes. Lugh would lead the Tuatha De Dann into battle to gain freedom for his people.
Lugh used legendary weapons against his enemies, such as magical pigskin that healed all wounds and a spear which, if shed any blood, would seal the victim's fate, and they would die from unhealed injuries.
Lugh would face his evil grandfather, who had a poisonous eye which would kill anyone who looked upon it. Lugh shot a stone at the eye, driven to the back of Balor's head. The Tuatha De Dann were victorious.
After the battle, Lugh would find Bres, the former King of the Tuatha De Dann, injured from battle. Bres had tricked the Tuatha De Dann into slavery, and upon finding him alone in the field, Lugh sought to slay him. Bres begged for his life and said that if Lugh spared him, he
would promise the Tuatha De Dann four harvests throughout the year and teach them when to sow and how to plough- a secrete that only Fomorians knew at t the time. Lugh said one harvest would be sufficient, and the harvests of August would begin.
Lugh developed games and celebrations, which are still an important part of today's rites and rituals.
Herbs and Plants
As we know working with herbs was part of the Druid way. Herbs were used for medicinal purposes, in food and as offerings. For this spoke of the wheel I will give a short list of herbs associated with Alban Hefin and a brief idea of their uses. A list of herbs are as follows, and as always care should always be taken when working with any herbs.
Yarrow: One of the herbs linked with the planet Venus. Venus herbs activate love. They include all scented herbs and plants that smell pleasant and sweet. These herbs bring joy, beauty, artistry, sensitivity, and compassion. Yarrow was often called woundwort or knights milfoil, thanks to its use in treatment in battle injuries. An old English custom is for a girl to pluck some yarrow from a young man’s grave and sleep with it under her pillow, and in her dreams, her future husband would appear. Use in spells for divination; happy marriage; wards negativity; healing. Draws love. Wear or carry to boost your self-esteem and courage or prevent fear. A sprig hanging over a marriage bed will produce at least seven years of passion and love. Putting it in a ritual bath can help increase psychic powers.
Vervain: A herb of the Sun. These herbs promote self- confidence and personal success. They impart a sense of purpose and help develop a sense of identity and willpower. Sun herbs bring vitality, health, creativity, and dignity. Vervain is also one of the herbs linked with the planet Venus. This herb is associated with Love; protection; purification; peace; money; youth; chastity; sleep; inspires artistry. Protects against negativity. Empowers any magic, especially love spells. Used to consecrate and empower magical tools. Used in house blessings. In love spells, add to recipes to find true love. Bury in the yard or keep in the home to encourage wealth. Use as an incense to end unrequited love.
Mint: Another herb of Jupiter as with Sage above. Mint is associated with money; love; lust; healing; travel; protection; sharpens the mind; psychic awareness; promotes energy, communication, and vitality. Draws customers to a business. Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Place in wallet or purse or rub on money to bring wealth and prosperity. For protection while asleep, stuff a pillow or mattress with spearmint. Burn for healing magic. Write a wish on paper, wrap in spearmint leaves; place in a red cloth and sew with red thread, then keep in a safe secret place. By the time the scent is gone your wish should have come true. Rub against walls, furniture, and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity. Place in a pillow to ensure a peaceful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. Carry with other herbs to boost love and abundance wishes.
Crystals are another thing that some people choose to use/work with, as with everything on my Druid journey I look at things and see if it is something I would like to work with or not everyone’s journey is their own there is no right or wrong way. I have once again picked six crystals that link closely to Lughnasadh and these are:-
Citrine - Citrine is another amazing crystal linked to the sun and its stunning yellow pigmentation makes you feel all kinds of sunshiny! It’s all about manifesting action and vibrance—perfect for Lughnasadh as well as the summer solstice when you are brimming with ideas and energy. Citrine is also known for its ability to awaken the powers of your creative energy. Spend some time with Citrine this summer and let its energizing focus help you manifest your dreams and make them a reality
Moss Agate - Moss agate is known as a beneficial stone for agricultural or botany and anyone that works within these areas. It is regarded by many as a good choice for women in labour and to help lessen pain and ensure a good delivery. This is a stone of new beginning and is thought to also help in releasing blockages. Moss agate is also a good choice of crystal for encouraging trust and an optimistic outlook.
Carnelian - This orange-red crystal has a stabilising energy and is excellent for restoring vitality, motivation and creativity. When used in meditation, carnelian can help to keep your mind focused and stop daydreaming. It protects against feelings of rage, envy and resentment. This crystal is believed to have a positive influence on the female reproductive system and to be beneficial in promoting fertility. The energy of carnelian stones encourages compassion and kindness in all situations. Carnelian is a beneficial crystal for anyone looking to make improvements to their lifestyle.
Sunstone - Of all the crystals on our beautiful planet Earth, Sunstone is a true reflection of the qualities of the sun—openness, warmth, mental clarity, and the willingness to bring love and kindness to others. It carries the frequency of Solar Light representing strong leadership and the know-how to use your knowledge for the greater good. Sunstone transforms anger into happiness, judgment into joy. It takes the negative energy and emotions surrounding you and turns them into positivity and warmth.
Amber - Amber has a connection to the sun that is unlike any other crystal or stone. It has been referred to as a form of solidified sunlight because it is created through the synthesis of light by plants and trees. Most crystals are born within the Earth, but Amber’s direct link to the sun makes it a wonderful source of Light energy. Its warming energy protects against negative energy and is often used by those with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bringing this beacon of light and positivity into the summer amplifies this energy, making Amber a wonderful companion during the summer.
Moonstone - During the harvest festival, this crystal will bring you closer to nature. Moonstones are said to enhance your connection with the moon. Moonstones are said to provide protection for those who work outdoors during the harvest season. Moonstones are known as a stone of love and romance. It promotes harmony and balance within relationships. Moonstone is said to be a powerful healer. It can help us to overcome emotional pain and grief. Moonstone is said help us to release anger and resentment. It calms us down and soothes our emotions. Moonstone is believed to attract money and wealth. It is said to bring happiness and joy. Love, Harmony, Balance, Emotional Healing, Money, Prosperity, Happiness, Peaceful Relationships, Romance, Sexual Energy, Solace, Spirituality, Self Love, Soothing, Calmness, Releasing Anger, Resentment, Grief.
The celtic tree alphabet, because of where Lughnasadh falls on the calender there are two trees/plants associated with it within the Ogham.
The First is Holly, the Celtic Ogham name for this is Tinne (roughly pronounced chihnn-uh). Holly was a symbol of masculine energy and firmness. The ancients used the wood of the Holly in the construction of weapons, but also in protective magic. Hang a sprig of Holly in your house to ensure good luck and safety to your family. Wear as a charm, or make Holly Water by soaking leaves overnight in spring water under a full moon — then use the water as a blessing to sprinkle on people or around the house for protection and cleansing.
The Second is Hazel, the Celtic Ogham name for this is Coll (roughly pronounced Coll) This is the time of year when Hazelnuts are appearing on the trees, and are an early part of the harvest. Hazelnuts are also associated with wisdom and protection. Hazel is often associated in Celtic lore with sacred wells and magical springs containing the salmon of knowledge. This is a good month to do workings related to wisdom and knowledge, dowsing and divination, and dream journeys. If you're a creative type, such as an artist, writer, or musician, this is a good month to get your muse back, and find inspiration for your talents. Even if you normally don't do so, write a poem or song this month.
Working with this part of the Wheel
When we look at working with this, as with all other parts of the wheel we have to think about what it means and its relation as a whole to the rest of the wheel. Lughnasadh is a time when the sun has reached its highest point and is starting to get lower in the sky, it is the time when harvests start, it is a time to look at the goals you have set and see how you have done with them, a time for you to harvest your thoughts and store them for the dark nights ahead, a time to share what you have learnt and achieved since sowing your seeds at Imbolc.
Baking Bread
Why not bake some bread, it is common to bake bread during Lughnasadh to celebrate the first harvest. You can make any bread you choose and add nuts or fruits of the season. When making bread for magical purposes, it is important to focus on your intention throughout the cooking process.
500g of strong white flour
2tsp salt
One sachet of fast-acting yeast
3tbsps of oil oil
300ml water
Egg or milk for brushing;
Bless the flour by holding the palms of your hands over it. Mix all the ingredients and turn out onto a clean surface. Knead the dough for 10 minutes and form into the shape of a man, brush with egg and milk.
Make sure to create the bread man thinner than you would want it to be once baked, as during the rising process; it will get bigger. Place in a deep tray and leave to rise for one hour or until it has doubled.
Bake at 220C or gas mark 7 for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy the bread with family or use it in your Lughnasadh ritual.
Well, there we are for now the next part of working with the wheel. I really hope you are enjoying these and they are giving you something to think about.
As always my friends thank you for bearing with me, I hope you find this interesting, let me know if you want to.
Take care my friends, stay safe
Blessed be /|\